FAQs to help you know more

how to run a programme? what does it cost? we’ve got it all covered

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Got a question?

Would you like to know more about Kids Matter? We can help. Below you’ll find the most common questions asked by organisations interested in partnering with us or facilitators hoping to run our programmes.

Who is our programme for?
How do I invite parents to a Kids Matter group?
What can parents expect in a Kids Matter group?
What happens after/between programmes?
What does a partnership look like?
Who do I need on my team to run a programme?
What does training look like?
What are the partnership costs and what is included?
How do we ensure our partnership will flourish?
How do I access support?
How do I order materials/access the portal?
With so many partnership opportunities out there, why choose Kids Matter?
Why and how do you evaluate Kids Matter programmes?
How is safeguarding set up?

What next?

If you still can’t find the answer you’re looking for, please do get in touch by emailing info@kidsmatter.org.uk.

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