Programmes run in the heart of the community

Everything we do is focused on seeing children in need raised in a strong family

Kids Matter in the Community

Our Kids Matter programme is a free, friendly group for families facing disadvantages with children aged 1-10 years.

Kids Matter programmes are run in local community settings such as primary schools, nurseries, community centres and church halls.

Group facilitators work in partnership with community links to coordinate small groups of mums, dads and carers of children aged 1-10. By focusing on parental wellbeing and confidence, and equipping parents with the tools to build strong relationships, our programmes aim to give every child in need the chance to thrive in life.

The programme

  • For parents and carers of children aged 1-10
  • Lasts for 6 weeks
  • Small groups of 6-8 parents
  • Led by someone from your community
  • Suitable for families of all faiths and none
  • No flipcharts or experts
  • Working together with our user-friendly and evidence-informed booklets
  • Sitting together around coffee, tea and food

Sample materials

Want to see some of the programme material? Take a look at Session 1.

“I am less shouty and have more patience, and I feel like I am quicker at saying sorry to [the kids] if I do snap.”
Sam, mum

How Kids Matter in the Community works

Taster Session:

Come and see what it’s like

Mums, dads and carers are invited to meet the facilitator and group helper, and see what it’s like to be in a Kids Matter group.

Session 1:

Building a strong family

In this session, we talk about parenting teams (who we parent with) and how our own wellbeing impacts the wellbeing of our children. We also look at meeting the core needs of our children in order for them to thrive.

Session 2:

Loving our children well

There are different ways of showing and receiving love (love languages), which we discuss in this session. We also look at different parenting styles (aiming for warm and firm) and how seeing the positives in our children helps build positive connections with them.

Session 3:

Play, encouragement and listening

Positive words help children’s behaviour by building their self-esteem, confidence and ultimately their resilience. In this session we discuss the impact of good and bad listening with children, and also think about the importance of play and what playing involves.

Session 4:

Routines and rewards

We focus on routines and their many benefits in this session, including the use of screen time for specific, and limited, periods of time. Also how important it is how to reward children appropriately in order to encourage positive behaviour.

Session 5:

Family rules and consequences

The outcome of this session is understanding the root of children’s behaviour and how giving appropriate consequences that are followed through helps. Recognising and managing angry responses to poor behaviour, and delivering appropriate consequences calmly, are also key to strengthening relationships.

Session 6:

The bigger picture

In our final session, we enjoy thinking about long-term hopes for our children as well as the values and beliefs we’d like to pass on, and special traditions that will help our families bond together.

Booster session:

Checking in three months later

Mums, dads and carers reconnect to celebrate where positive changes are happening in their parenting. It’s also an opportunity to highlight challenges and to be reminded of skills learned from the programme.

If you would like to find out more about running a Kids Matter group in your local community, please contact us on

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By working in partnership with churches, charities and community-driven initiatives to build strong families, we believe it is possible to see children in need flourish.

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Kids Matter in Merseyside

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We take our work seriously and we’re passionate about seeing long-term change. As part of that, we are committed to rigorous evaluation of the efficacy of all we do.

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