Author name: Kids Matter

boy sitting in a classroom at school

Why parent support could see an increase in school attendance

A great deal of pressure is placed on Headteachers and classroom teachers to cajole children into school when, in reality, the people with the greatest amount of influence in a child’s life are their parents and carers. One way to relieve the burden on schools to keep child numbers up is to support parents who are struggling to send their children to school.

Why parent support could see an increase in school attendance Read More »

mum and baby

Why focusing on parental wellbeing in the first 1001 days can improve a child’s outcomes

What makes Babies Matter unlike many other traditional ante/postnatal support is that the emphasis isn’t just on how to look after a baby but rather takes a bigger picture look at the factors that will influence outcomes for that child, including parental wellbeing and the relationship between those actively involved in parenting.

Why focusing on parental wellbeing in the first 1001 days can improve a child’s outcomes Read More »

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