Dannielle’s Story

Dannielle’s Story

I heard about Kids Matter from senior at Fishponds Academy School as my son is suspected ADHD and they said I needed to do a parenting course before they would refer him. I wanted to do it to see if it would help with my three children, as the oldest is suspected ADHD and the youngest is suspected autism.

I took away from the programme that love doesn’t have to be just words; it can be actions as well as spending time together. Kids Matter has impacted my parenting by allowing me to show my kids how much I love them and to help my sons with their behaviour as well as their understanding of what is going on and how they feel.

I would definitely recommend to anyone to come to Kids Matter because not only is it there to help you with your children and parenting, it also gives you a sense of belonging and that you’re not the only parent that is struggling in some sort of way with their children.

It also gives you the chance of a bit of peace with other parents who feel the same.

*The attached picture is not a representation of the individual concerned.

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