Stacey’s Story

Stacey’s Story

I’m Stacey, a single parent to a 6-year-old and a 14-year-old. Before I completed the Kids Matter programme I was really struggling with parenting and my mental health. I felt very alone and had terrible mum guilt. I was emotional and shouted a lot. I felt like I was failing my children.

I’ve never been one to go to groups, especially groups where I don’t know anyone, but I knew that my family home life was at breaking point. I knew something had to change and that I was the only person who could make that change, so I joined a Kids Matter group.

Talking to other parents who have gone through the same traumas as me has made me realise that I was never alone. I’ve made some friends and swapped parenting tips and ideas, and it’s really changed my home life for the better. There’s a lot less shouting and screaming; we now have set family days once a week and we have also introduced a “sharing book” so if my children want to express how they’re feeling but feel like they can’t talk to me, then they can write it in the book. Our family home is now filled with love, hugs, happy times, routine, and rules.

I’ve also attended Kids Matter several times and am now part of the programme as a group helper.

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